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2024-11-09 14:06:34 +02:00
defmodule Argon2 do
@moduledoc """
Argon2 password hashing for Elixir using Rust NIFs.
This module provides a secure way to hash passwords using the Argon2i algorithm
with configuration presets following security best practices.
## Security Presets
* `:owasp` (default) - OWASP recommended settings (m=19456, t=2, p=1)
* `:strong` - Higher security settings (m=65540, t=3, p=4)
* `:test_unsafe` - Fast settings for testing only (m=1024, t=1, p=1)
## Examples
# Hash with default OWASP settings
iex> hash = Argon2.hash_password("secure_password123")
iex> String.starts_with?(hash, "$argon2i$v=19$m=19456,t=2,p=1$")
# Hash with strong settings
iex> hash = Argon2.hash_password("secure_password123", "strong")
iex> String.starts_with?(hash, "$argon2i$v=19$m=65540,t=3,p=4$")
# Verify password
iex> hash = Argon2.hash_password("secure_password123")
iex> Argon2.verify_password("secure_password123", hash)
iex> Argon2.verify_password("wrong_password", hash)
## Security Notes
* Passwords must be at least 8 characters long
* Each hash uses a unique random salt
* The `:test_unsafe` preset should never be used in production
@type password :: String.t()
@type hash :: String.t()
@type config :: String.t()
@doc """
Hashes a password using Argon2i.
## Options
* `config` - One of `"owasp"` (default), `"strong"`, or `"test_unsafe"`
## Examples
iex> hash = Argon2.hash_password("secure_password123")
iex> is_binary(hash)
## Security Notes
* Passwords must be at least 8 characters
* A unique random salt is used for each hash
* The default OWASP preset is recommended for most use cases
Raises `ArgumentError` if the password is less than 8 characters long.
@spec hash_password(password :: password, config :: config | nil) :: hash
def hash_password(password, config \\ nil) do
case Argon2.Native.hash_password(password, config) do
{:error, message} -> raise ArgumentError, message
result -> result
@doc """
Verifies a password against a hash.
Takes constant time regardless of whether the password matches or not.
## Examples
iex> hash = Argon2.hash_password("secure_password123")
iex> Argon2.verify_password("secure_password123", hash)
Raises `ArgumentError` if:
* The password is less than 8 characters long
* The hash format is invalid
@spec verify_password(password :: password, hash :: hash) :: boolean
def verify_password(password, hash) do
case Argon2.Native.verify_password(password, hash) do
{:error, message} -> raise ArgumentError, message
result -> result