This will create a loader that will load files from the underlying file system using <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.FileSystemResourceReader>. It will also be configured to use an in-memory cache to avoid loading the same tileset or template multiple times using <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.DefaultResourceCache>.
var loader = Loader.Default();
var map = loader.LoadMap("path/to/map.tmx");
## Loading a map from a different source
If you want to load resources (maps, tilesets, templates) from a different source than the underlying file system, you can override the <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.FileSystemResourceReader> that is being used with your own implementation of <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.IResourceReader>.
var loader = Loader.DefaultWith(
resourceReader: new MyCustomResourceReader());
var map = loader.LoadMap("path/to/map.tmx");
## Caching resources
Similarly, you can override the <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.DefaultResourceCache> that is being used with your own implementation of <xref:DotTiled.Serialization.IResourceCache>.
If you have custom types in your map, you can provide any `IEnumerable<ICustomTypeDefinition>` to the loader. This will allow the loader to deserialize the custom types in your map.
var monsterSpawnerDef = new CustomClassDefinition { ... };